I finally got all the gear together in one place for my trip across Scotland. Good thing, too, considering that I'm now less than a week away from go-time. If you like obsessing over gear selections and weights as much as I do, check out my GEAR LIST. Despite adding a relatively "heavy" tent to my quiver and needing to add quite a few more layers to my clothing system to account for the wet/cold weather in Scotland, I still managed to maintain a base weight (everything but food & water) of just under 11 lbs. Nice! Believe it or not, all this stuff fits into my pack with relative ease. I've even got extra room to bring home some nice big rocks if I want. I just hope I don't find a really nice one on the first day.
TGOC ScotlandThe More You Know
What: Backpacking Where: Coast to Coast When: May 10-22 '19 Why: Because Life Miles: ~200 Expected Days of Sun: 0 CategoriesTRACKINGOn May 10th, you'll be able to track us in real-time. Do us a solid and make sure we don't get stuck in any bogs. Click below for live tracking.
ROUTEClick on map below to view a detailed map of our intended route.
GEAR LISTClick on gear list below to finally discover how many ounces my toilet trowel weighs.